03NovA timely reminder Categories: Brave New World, Culture, Future, News, Our Thinking, In this great politico-media fest that is #COP26, it’s useful to highlight our commitment to eradicating negative traces that... [more]
09AugThe concept of a Metaverse Categories: Brave New World, Future, News, Our Thinking, Welcome to the birth of the Metaverse. Or at least it’s conception. The goal of a unified web is... [more]
29JunThe working week is killing us Categories: Brave New World, Culture, News, Our Thinking, For many, working at home in a toxic culture is the new norm. Sadly, many employers have made a... [more]
19MayLockdown stuff we want to keep Categories: Brave New World, News, Our Thinking, Lockdown forced a new world on us. Some good and some bad, so lets take a closer look. The... [more]
25MarDelivering better support, for everyone Categories: News, Our Thinking, WordPress Support, Supporting our clients’ needs is a cornerstone of our business Whilst we might regard email as evil and use... [more]
27JanUnder the (social) influence Categories: News, Our Thinking, Social media is becoming a liability? Discuss. Most observers agree that the influence of social media and the “power”... [more]
09Dec2020: The year the world invents time travel Categories: Brave New World, Future, News, Our Thinking, The rise and fall of the pandemic, the creation of a new paradigm and how society jumped forward 15... [more]
18JulForm vs function. That old argument Categories: News, Our Thinking, Ever since man invented the wheel, there’s always been some creative-type trying to decorate it. Sometimes that has worked,... [more]
03MarA four-day working week is more productive and better for the environment Categories: Future, News, Our Thinking, Tags: culture, four day workweek, Future, lifestyle, wellbeing, work, If there was some new workplace seminar that promised a way workers can be happier, healthier, and more productive... [more]
29FebThe best workplace wellness program: working less Categories: Culture, Our Thinking, Tags: culture, Future, happiness, mindfulness, wellness, work, Much of the time our minds can be lost in fantasising, imagining, dwelling on the past, pondering about the... [more]
20FebOver a decade in the cloud Categories: Future, News, Our Thinking, Five years ago we wrote about how the cloud had changed our business, from the early cloud days in... [more]
08FebBe more with less: A salutary tale Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, The tension between needs and wants is often what fires the ambition in us all. Sadly we listen to... [more]
30JanHow to make your business carbon neutral Categories: Future, News, Our Thinking, Tags: carbon neutral, climate change, co2, culture, environment, Future, Is it possible to do your bit for the environment without impacting the success and growth of your business?... [more]
18JanDigital Elegance … speed is everything Categories: News, Our Thinking, The computing world is changing. It’s no longer about unlimited computing power and bandwidth – both are in increasingly... [more]
13JanHow to know if your business idea is worth pursuing Categories: Future, Our Thinking, Tags: a/b testing, business, business intelligence, digital nomadry, Future, ideas, knowledge, Technology, With today’s fleeting preferences and rapidly changing markets, it’s difficult to how to know which idea you should invest... [more]
10JanPeerless WordPress Developer Support Categories: News, Our Thinking, WordPress, WordPress Support Since the launch of Peerless WordPress Support in 2014, we’ve had requests to provide a much deeper... [more]
06JanWhy WordPress might be bad for you Categories: News, Our Thinking, It’s not that the platform is bad per se. In fact, WordPress is pretty much the best web framework... [more]
03JanThe work/life balance dilemma Categories: Culture, Our Thinking, Tags: culture, Health, mindfulness, stress, wellbeing, Work is increasingly seeping beyond the office and factory walls and into other areas of our lives. The commute,... [more]
29DecTime to make a little less noise, digitally speaking Categories: Future, News, Our Thinking, If there is one thing that stands out in the modern age it’s the sheer volume of digital noise.... [more]
20Dec1144 – the way we work Categories: Culture, News, Our Thinking, Much is made of the work grind, to some that’s expressed as 996, or 9 am to 9 pm... [more]