WordPress Support Report : October 2016

(Very Nearly) Peerless WordPress Support.

235 WordPress Tickets Solved, 22hr Response, and ONE dropped ball.

Well, it had to happen – our first negative service response in over a year. Just one negative comment out of two hundred and thirty-five tickets.

I can’t say we’re not disappointed, we pride ourselves not on being perfect, but being honest and transparent. We’ve made many a mistake in the 7,000 or so tickets since we last dropped the ball but each and every time we’ve been upfront, straight and then moved heaven and earth to fix the issue.

This, we believe, is why our clients give us consistently top marks and why we’re independently rated in the top 5% of support organisations across the world. And we’re not a small, regional support company working with local businesses – we operate 24×7 support centres in Britain and North America supporting major corporates and international business at the cutting edge of digital services.

We just ticked over 4,000 support tickets and nearly 10,000 interactions so far in 2016 – with just one negative feedback comment that’s a positive score of 3,999 out of 4,000. We reckon a satisfaction rate of 99.975 is not too shabby.

Room for improvement. Must try harder.

For the first time in over a year, we can squarely say … “we must try harder”. We’ve unpacked the negative comment and know it was caused by a less-than-stellar communications attitude, we were a little off-hand with what we thought was an unreasonable request without explaining our position. We’ll take a great deal more care in the future.