Changing your digital agency can be a good thing

Switching digital agencies can feel like leaping from a cliff into the unknown—and not just any unknown, but one that’s genuinely terrifying. Here’s why changing digital agencies can be quite the gamble, but with some planning and thinking can be a good thing.

TL;DR: The decision to switch digital agencies should be made with a mixture of cautious pragmatism and wild optimism. It’s risky, yes, but sometimes, the only way to find out if there’s a better partner out there is to take the plunge. Just maybe start with a safety net.

The Devil You Know

First off, there’s something to be said about the devil you know. Your current agency understands your quirks, your preferences, and perhaps most importantly, your brand’s voice. They know that you despise the color orange and that you need two almond milk lattes and a gluten-free biscuit before any creative meeting. There’s a rhythm to the madness, a sort of dance you’ve both clumsily figured out. Starting anew? That means new dance partners and potentially stepping on a lot of toes.

Data Dilemmas

Imagine this: data migration is about as fun as trying to move an ice sculpture in a convertible mid-July. Data loss, compatibility issues, and the sheer time it takes to transfer all the precious digital insights can lead to monumental headaches. It’s a risk that can cost not just money but also momentum.

SEO and Performance Hiccups

SEO is a long game, like chess but with Google algorithms. Your current agency has probably spent ages tuning the dials just right, figuring out which keywords are your knight and which meta descriptions your queen. A new agency might reset all this progress faster than you can say “SERP fluctuations,” leading to potential drops in traffic and visibility. Suddenly, you’re not the king of the SEO hill, but tumbling down it, covered in internet obscurity.

Cost Calculations

Ah, costs—the root of all (budgetary) evil. Switching agencies might seem like a cost-efficient move at first. However, the grass isn’t always greener on the cheaper side. Hidden costs can pile up like a sneaky tower of invoices. Setup fees, learning curves, and even the potential downtime as the new team gets up to speed can make the initial “cheaper” option a pricey affair.

Relationship Rifts

Building a relationship with a digital agency is a bit like growing a garden. It takes time, patience, and a lot of communication. Your current agency might just be starting to bloom, understanding the intricacies of your business and how best to help it grow. Throw all that away for a new agency, and you might find yourself with a handful of seeds again, not sure if they’ll even sprout.

But Wait, There’s Hope

Now, despite all the risks, switching digital agencies isn’t always a disastrous move. Sometimes, it’s necessary. Your needs evolve, and maybe your current agency can’t keep up with your growing list of demands—like that you now need three almond milk lattes. In these cases, the potential benefits of finding an agency that truly aligns with your vision can outweigh the risks.


In the end, like all good things in life, the decision to switch digital agencies should be made with a mixture of cautious pragmatism and wild optimism. It’s risky, yes, but sometimes, the only way to find out if there’s a better partner out there is to take the plunge. Just maybe, start with a safety net—or at least a less greasy trampoline.