The role of custom-trained GPTs in digital marketing

The digital marketing landscape is akin to a wild, unpredictable jungle, and in this environment, trained GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) serve as both the intrepid explorers and the savvy locals. Imagine a world where your brand’s voice can echo through the canyons of the internet without ever sounding echoey, where your message can be as omnipresent as cat videos on YouTube, and where the complexity of human emotions can be captured and conveyed by algorithms.

Welcome to the era of trained GPTs in digital marketing.

First off, let’s get one thing straight: trained GPTs aren’t your garden-variety chatbots that get stumped by the slightest curveball. Nope. These are the Swiss Army knives of the digital world, armed with the wit of a seasoned copywriter, the insight of a market analyst, and the relentless energy of that intern who drinks way too much coffee. Their role? To revolutionize how businesses engage with their audience, automate content creation, and sprinkle a little bit of AI magic on data analysis.

Unleashing Creativity with a Digital Twist

In the realm of content creation, trained GPTs are like having Shakespeare, Hemingway, and that one poet who only writes about their cat, all on your marketing team. Need a blog post that intertwines the complexities of blockchain with the intricacies of knitting? Done. An ad copy that strikes the perfect balance between persuasive and hilariously self-aware? Consider it written. Trained GPTs generate content that’s not just relevant and SEO-friendly, but also surprisingly human-like and engaging, often making readers do a double-take.

The Data Whisperers

Beyond creativity, these digital maestros excel in sifting through mountains of data to extract actionable insights. Imagine a scenario where your marketing strategy is based not on hunches, but on a comprehensive analysis of trends, consumer behavior, and the mystical movements of the market. Trained GPTs dive into this data deluge, surface with pearls of wisdom, and say, “Here, this is what your audience loves, now go make something amazing.” It’s like having a crystal ball, but less murky and more data-driven.

Personalisation at Scale

Remember when receiving an email with your name in it felt special? Trained GPTs take personalization to new heights, crafting messages that resonate on a personal level with thousands, even millions, of individuals. It’s as if they’re hosting a dinner party, and despite the throngs of guests, everyone feels like they’re getting personalized attention, from the anecdotes down to the way their steak is cooked. This level of personalization builds connections and drives engagement in ways that were previously the stuff of marketer’s daydreams.

A Bridge Over Troubled Client Service Waters

In the client service arena, trained GPTs are the cool-headed, infinitely patient service reps we all wish we could clone. They handle inquiries, soothe frustrations, and provide solutions around the clock, without ever needing a coffee break or a day off. Their secret? An endless capacity for learning and adapting, ensuring that they get better with every interaction. This not only boosts customer satisfaction but also frees up human agents to tackle more complex issues, ideally those not involving resetting passwords for the umpteenth time.

Future-Proofing with Flexibility

Perhaps the most exhilarating aspect of trained GPTs in digital marketing is their flexibility. As digital platforms evolve and new channels emerge, these AI entities learn and adapt, ensuring that your marketing strategies remain on the cutting edge. They’re like digital chameleons, blending into the ever-changing landscape of the internet, ensuring that your brand remains relevant and engaging across all platforms.

In the grand tapestry of digital marketing, trained GPTs are the threads that add depth, color, and texture. They enhance creativity, make sense of data, personalize experiences, revolutionize customer service, and ensure adaptability in a fast-paced world. As we stand on the cusp of this AI-driven revolution, it’s clear that trained GPTs are not just tools in the digital marketer’s toolkit—they are co-creators of the future of marketing. And as for the humans in the equation? We get to steer this ship, armed with more creativity, insight, and time than ever before. So here’s to the trained GPTs—the unsung heroes of digital marketing, tirelessly typing away to make sure that the future of marketing is not just automated, but awe-inspiring.

Building Intelligence

We built our first custom trained GPT model in late ’22 and today, it’s our default mode when working with clients. We’re now at the stage where rather than just feeding custom models with static data, we continually iterate the learning on the LLMs we use (ChatGPT 4, etc) and build the feedback loops into the marketing operations of clients. This greatly accelerates testing, focus, and insight in our core marketing operations and client service. Contact us to find out more about how we can speedily bring AI and LLM deployment to your organisation.

Working Examples

Here we have a before/after, using a custom-trained GPT model on our business. It’s a demo, but illustrates how training GPTs allows you/us to produce far more useful output – and critically, it’s not the common-old-garden version that everyone else uses; it is bespoke to the needs that are trained and baked-into the model.

Generic ChatGPT4
Custom-Trained GPT

The difference is stark: if you used the generic GPT4 you end up with a good basic answer and some generic (some might say obvious) answers that would require further, more detailed interrogation. In contrast, the model trained on our skillsets and core competencies lists clearly defined tasks within a tight focus. Much better, I think you’d agree.