Tough June for Client Services

Crummy JunePhew, June was a tough month for Client Services and our halo slipped a little, or quite a lot actually. The number of tickets in the month wasn’t particularly high (102 or 4 new ones per day) but the lag time to getting them dealt with was really not very good.

Back in April (a typical month) we got to 85% of tickets inside an hour but in June that fell to 60%. As a result tickets dealt with in greater than 24hrs jumped fivefold from 4% to 22%. We didn’t really see this coming and can only apologise to our clients for the less than stellar performance. We’ll do better in July, I promise.

Andy Holland, Head of Client Services said “June started with a backlog and we never really managed to clear it until the last week of the month. When we get that far behind it’s difficult to catch-up, especially as we set ourselves such high standards”.

Martin Dower, CEO, went on to apologise for the drop in client service “but all the signs point to this being the caused by an unusual set of circumstances that are unlikely to re-occur”.

Roll on July.