Beating the tube strike

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Being a Londoner.

We might live and work in the greatest city in the world, but boy are we dependent on the tube. And when a big strike comes along we’re all a bit shafted!

But there are ways to deal with the tube strike and avoid the stress.

Here are some ideas:

Uber Surge Pricing

Usefully, if you’re not too price sensitive, Uber’s pricing model matches demand nicely against supply. Uber fares are expected to be twice their normal level during the strike but you’re still expected to be able to get a cab. The higher prices drives demand down and increases supply of taxis. Simple, yet beautiful. Visit Uber.


walkingtubeCentral London is not as big as most people think and if you’re happy to walk for 30 minutes you’d be surprised how far you can get. Walking directions are available simply on Google or Apple Maps so you can listen to your fav tunes whilst being guided across the fair city.

You can also consider using the “Walking Tube Map” (click on the map right to see it in it’s full glory)


These are going to be busy. Probably horribly busy as annoyed commuters jostle for standing-room only so probably worth avoiding, but if you insist then leave plenty of time.


Even if you’re happy paying the £11.50 congestion charge to drive in central London the roads are chocked already and it will be slow going.

The river

The river boat and Woolwich Ferry are all running fine, but expect them to be busier as the day goes on. Check the services out here.

And finally, don’t forget National Rail services are still running.

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