Happy holidays, seasons greetings. Bah humbug!

Screen Shot 2013-12-11 at 17.12.58It’s almost on us. The season of excess (where the average Brit manages to put on 2kgs in the space of a week or so) starts shortly.

We’ve already published our working hours and just like to remind clients that the last day for standard change requests and project work is THIS FRIDAY. We’ve got less than a week before we shutdown.

Projects currently in-build (you know who are), will go on hold in the middle of next week, latest, and wake up again week beginning 13th January. Is this causes you problems or issues then contact the account team or your project manager directly.

So happy holidays, have a great break (if you get one) and see you all in the New Year.

Remember, if you get stuck or have a problem you can drop a ticket on our support portal; depending on the terms of your support contract, we’ll respond inside our standard SLA terms.

From, all the team @Connected_uk