May WordPress Support Review

WordPress Support.

“Houston, we have no problems” – the best you can hope for in client services is a smooth life.

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Another above target performance, with nothing to scare us and also nothing to shout about.

May was very average for us, and that means responding to around 130 tickets inside 12 hours with around 400 unique client services interactions. It was very much a “keep calm and carry on” month. In an attempt to find statistics of of interest we can see that the average backlog (tickets started, but waiting to be solved or waiting for a response from a client) was markedly higher in May than it has been for the previous 90 days.

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We don’t really know what that means? Is that because the client services team are responding quicker, but fixing problems slower? Does it mean that clients are slow getting back to us? However, May did see 71% tickets fixed and closed within 24hrs, versus 78% in April. We’ll keep an eye on it.

As ever, you can view our History of WordPress Support here.

Love and kisses, from the WordPress Support Team