On the internet, everything we do is stored, indexed, mined, and crunched: Our likes, our fears, our friends, the... [more]
All posts in facebook
With such recent events such as the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the Canva hack, data privacy has become an... [more]
Managing information used to be a problem reserved for newspapers and librarians. But with the dawn of the information... [more]
Since it’s release by Facebook in 2006, the News Feed has been in the news a lot and often... [more]
Facebook states as its “mission” on its own Facebook page to “Give people the power to build community and bring... [more]
What would aliens think if they were to suddenly drop into the Earth’s atmosphere and peer out over our... [more]
As if just waking up from a hazy dream and shaking off the grogginess of FOMO, we’ve finally decided... [more]
Before a new medicine is available for public use, it’s tested to make sure it’s safe through a three-stage clinical... [more]
As a business, wherever people are spending their time and attention is where you want to be. For a... [more]
Facebook founder Mark Zukerberg has announced that Facebook are now working on the addition of a Dislike button on... [more]
I’m new to Google Plus but I’ve already spent a fair amount of time updating my Google Profile, creating... [more]
Ask any traditional marketer about her potential marketplace and she’ll bark on about demographics, age, gender and various other... [more]
Like many I’ve been using Facebook for a number of years. In that time it’s gone through various versions... [more]
We are starting to see the beginnings of intelligent browsers that are centred around the needs of people and... [more]
Radical? Not really, but communication is changing and that does mean the use of email as the defacto communication... [more]
The somewhat quiet and reserved founder of Facebook is going to be the central character in a new Hollywood... [more]
You cannot help to notice that privacy is fast becoming one of the hottest subjects in town. Driven, in... [more]
After Kevin Rose (founder of Digg) dropped the rumour bomb in late June of the arrival on the scene... [more]